Global Concerns

How to grow your hair Naturally from Home

Instagram media dorcasdawn - Yes I am woman
Yes I am  beautiful 
No I am not a toy  to play with 
No I am not a maid but I am a home-keeper.
No am not a punching bag 
I am to be loved 
I am to be cared for
I am to be appreciated 
I am just as significant as a male child

I deserve to live
I deserve to choose my life partner
I deserve to be heard
I have a voice 
I am just as significant as a king
I deserve to be respected.

I am a woman the fate of the world rests  on my shoulders.

#girlwithafro #fashion #naturalhair #purple #woman #blackgirlmagic #blackgirl #blackwoman #model #beautiful #beauty 
#african #Nigerian #india #afro #lpu.
photo credit: Instagram

Growing your hair naturally and from ingredients from your kitchen really works and it is inexpensive,
 you can repair and grow your hair and maintain a good hair look, this hair remedies are safe, effective and they really work but require patience. but the result are seen.
 there are several kitchen remedies that one can for the growth of hair but I will be discussion a few and if there is any remedy you use and seen result, you can share on the comment section

  • Onion Juice: this is rich  in sulfur  which helps to promote the growth of hair and helps in collagen production in tissues.
           How to  Use: peel the onions and chop into pieces
                                 blend the pieces and squeeze out the juice
                                  honey can be added to the onion juice or the juice can be used alone
                                  apply the juice on your scalp  and leave for about 15 minutes
                                  finally rinse hair with shampoo.
  • Garlic paste: garlic is widely known for reducing  hair loss, it helps to regenerate hair and promotes blood circulation in the scalp.
          How to Use: peel and crush garlic cloves
                               boil the crushed garlic cloves in olive oil or coconut oil for few minutes
                               allow to cool and apply it to the roots of your hair follicles
                               leave for few minutes and wash properly with shampoo.
  • Henna Pack: henna helps in hair growth and acts as a natural conditioner, it also help to transform dull and dry hair  to shiny and smooth hair. it promotes hair color and helps in strengthening the roots of hair 
          How to Use: mix dry henna powder with yogurt properly
                               Apply it all over your hair from roots to the tips
                               leave till it completely dries off
                               wash with shampoo
  • Egg Mask: egg is rich source of protein, sulfur, zinc and other minerals, the protein and sulfur content make eggs one of the best ingredients to promotes hair growth.
          How to Use: place the egg white in a bowl and add a teaspoon of olive oil and honey to it
                               mix well to form a smooth paste.
                               apply on your scalp and leave for 20 minutes
                               wash  hair with cool water and shampoo
  • Fenugreek Paste: it promotes hair growth and protects the natural color of hair

         How to Use:  blend fenugreek seeds and form a paste by adding a little water
                                mix the paste with  coconut milk properly
                                apply on your hair and leave for 30 minutes 
                               wash your hair with shampoo

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