Eggs are very good source of protein, they also contains vitamin B2 and lower amount of fats and cholesterol which is present the yoke.
egg white is a rich source of selenium, vitamin D, vitamin B12, B6, certain minerals such as copper , zinc and iron. when you eat eggs the following are benefits;
- Anti Oxidant : eggs are good source of vitamins, they are one of the foods that contain natural occuring vitamin D and also contains vitamin B12 and vitamin B2 and one of the main function of vitamins is anti oxidant, which means removal of free redicals from the body.
- helps in weight loss: they contain high amount of proteins i. e they contain 9 essential amino acids and one egg contain about six grams of protein and proteins are not stored in the body but help in the mentainance o f the body
- eggs can promote the growth of hair and nails
- eggs help to prevent cataract development
- eggs can also help to prevent breast cancer
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