Global Concerns

homemade remedies for menstral issues

Dealing with menstruation can be stressful and painful where are some homemade receipes of how to deal with the discomfort and pains
  • eating of papaya can help to ease mensturation pain
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  • another easy home remedies is pound fresh piece of ginger and boil it in water, filter it and drink the water three times a day to ease the pain
  • by taking half teaspoon of cinnamon and with a glass of milk at night, this will help reduce cramps issues.
Image result for cinnamon tea
  • lemon grass tea is also helpful in reducing menstral pain
Image result for lemongrass tea
  • 2 teaspoon of sesame seeds in a glass of water. keep for sometime then filter  and drink the water portion two or three times daily

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